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Veterans Golf Club of Victoria

Club bylaws - as approved by the Committee on 30 Aug 2016

1 Management of the Club

1.1 Each member of the CoM must familiarise themselves with the clubs Constitution to ensure that the CoM aligns its activities with the objectives in the Constitution.

1.2 Secretary to monitor the Consumer Affairs Victorias Model Rules to ensure the Constitution aligns with applicable rules.

1.3 Changes to the Constitution to be approved by CoM and presented to the members at the next AGM for their approval.

2 Golf

2.1 Members are to abide by rules set by Golf Australia as we do not have separate "club rules".

2.2 On Game days, players must endeavour to keep up with the group in front of them and be guided in this aspect by the lowest handicapper in the group.

2.3 Heat Policy - President, Captain and Secretary are to inform members when hot weather (36c or above) coincides with one of our games.
It is then up to individuals to decide if they play or not. Clubs where we play have their own rules and they apply them on the day - we are to abide by them and discuss the ramifications re food costs etc at the time.

2.4 Hazardous Weather Policy - If the weather is considered too dangerous to play, the President, Captain and Secretary will inform members on the day prior to the game. Members can then decide if they wish to play but the Club will not sanction the game.

2.5 Our annual trip, currently to Eagle Ridge, should be an Ambrose event and not included in calculations for annual prizes.

2.6 Competition Day guests must be over 55 yrs old and can come as a guest only once as they should join if they wish to play more often.

2.7 The VVGA Four Ball Championship in March and the VVGA Teams Championship in September each year will be reserved for committee members, supplemented by long time senior club attendees.
The President or his nominee will be responsible for managing these games.

2.8 Insurance - Golf Australia (GA) members are covered by their GA Affiliation Fees. If any new member does not have an official GA handicap, they must check their home/contents insurance to ensure they have appropriate liability insurance.

3 Presentations & Prizes

3.1 Game day prizes - guests cannot win the main prize of the day, nor can they win a grade prize. They can win a ball in the ball rundown and an NTP prize.

3.2 NAGA prize - can only be "won" once a season.

3.3 End of year presentation prizes are to be non-golf prizes.

4 Fees & Charges

4.1 Members pay the current Game Day fee, which includes lunch, whether they stay for lunch or not.

4.2 Yearly Subscriptions & Game Day fees are supplemented by raffle income.

4.3 Raffles (not compulsory to enter) must be run at each game to contribute to subsidising courses that charge more than the Game Day fee.

4.4 New members who join late in year (nominally September) do not pay Yearly Subscription

4.5 Joining fees, Yearly Subscription and Game Day fees are set at the Annual General Meeting.

5 Annual General Meetings

5.1 AGM and Election papers are to be distributed to members in January each year in preparation for the AGM/Election in February.

6 Newsletter

6.1 Newsletters sent by mail are to be in black on white with no images other than the club logo.

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