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      Veterans Golf Club of Victoria

November 2014 Newsletter

On Monday 10 November 2014 we played at Southern Golf Club. Our game on the day was a Stableford event for the Australian Pensioners Trophy.


President Bernie welcomed all members to Southern GC and how good it was to see everyone again. He asked members to put their hands together to show their appreciation for the Golf Club here for allowing us to use their facilities.

Number of Players:

There were 53 starters on the day.


Apologies were received from Hans Bleeker, Lance Bolam, Stan Odachowski and Alex Johnson.

Sick List:

Bernie said that it was good to see some of those members who have been frequenting hospitals in recent months back with us welcome back.

We also have our Captain with us even though he cannot play we thank you for coming and hope that we see you on the track with us soon.

Also on the general sick list are Robin Miller, Mike Bainbridge and John Molloy.

Bernie hoped that anyone who is feeling a bit crook, recovers quickly now that the warmer weather is with us. There seems to be a lingering cold that many of us cannot quite get rid of so lets hope the weather helps.


We had one guest today: Graham Watson, guest of John Molloy.

Starters today:

Bernie thanked our starters on the day, Peter Ross and Tom Govern. He thanked them for volunteering as we appreciated their help especially Peter who seems to do this job so often.

Raffle Prize:

He reminded members that we now have an agreement with the House of Golf at Brighton whereby they are subsidising all our winners vouchers, so please support the House of Golf at Brighton and tell them you are from the Vic Vets group.

Special Achievements:

There were many known special achievements in the past month with our players in great form:

Well done to all these players a great effort.

65th Anniversary:

Members were reminded that this was our 65th anniversary year and that our Club shirts, jumpers and hats were available for purchase.

See Daryl Edwards if you wish to purchase our range of products.

Web site:

The Club's web site is now up and running. It has been updated with next years courses and some of our Honour Board details.

Google now recognises our web site. Google will find our site on the first page with any of the following search terms: "vetsgolfvic", "vets golfvic", "veterans golfvic", "south-east Melbourne & veterans & golf".

Some further experiments on accessing the site via Google have found that, for many members, searching for your name along with the word "golf" will find our site on Google's first page of results. Certainly a search for "bernie coyle golf" works

Laurie Comerford has done a fabulous job setting our site up and he will happily address member access problems. See him if you have any concerns.

Special Event:

On 20 October at Brighton, the Brighton Club played our Vets club in our annual event, including the classic roast beef lunch. Our team won easily again by 17 strokes.

Christmas Lunch:

To be held at Rossdale on 8 December at $40 per head at 12.00 for 12.15.

Donald has the attendance sheet so please add your name to it.

We had a few couples who nominated to come last year and did not turn up this cost our club hundreds of dollars. This year, if you have nominated and do not advise us of your withdrawal by 1 December, you will be billed, as that is our cut-off date for catering and we have to pay for our final numbers after that date. Sorry we have to do this, but a few members have spoilt it for the rest of us.

NB: If members are definitely coming and nominate after the cut-off date they will be accepted additional numbers are always catered for.

Question Time:

No questions were asked, so Bernie handed the meeting over to our Captain, Donald MacDonald, who announced the winners for the day.


Captain Donald welcomed members to Southern GC for todays event.

Overall winner

Our Australian Pensioners Trophy winner was Alan Baker (34) with 35 points on c/b.

Alan also received a $30 House of Golf voucher for his efforts.

Alln's picture is missing

Grade winners:

A Grade:

George Weaver (19)

34 points

B Grade:

Noel Valle (28)

35 points

C Grade:

Chris Tierney (30)

34 points

Nearest to the Pin:

3rd Hole:

Jeff Taylor

6th Hole:

John Currie

12th Hole:

Harold Hayes

16th Hole:

Reg Davey

Balls down the line:

Chris Procter


Alwyn Abraham


Roger Parker


Bill Dooley


Barry Pollock


John Currie


Noel Manning


Roger Selwood


NAGA Award:

Tom Govern was our lucky winner.

NAGA image not found

Birthday Boys for December 2014:

Congratulations and best wishes to our members whose birthday falls in December:

Donald Barrett

Barry Taylor

Chris Procter

Jeff Taylor

2015 Game Schedule:

Please note the date change on our 2015 Challenge match at Brighton GC.

The game will now be held on Monday, 21 September 2015.

Brighton GC members requested this date change to allow them to enter a stronger team.

Next Event:

Monday 1st December 2014 at Long Island Golf Club

Stableford: Ken Gangell Perpetual Trophy be there by 7.15 am

Starters: Malcolm Turner and Jeff Taylor

Two Scots:

Two Scots, Rabby and Angus are playing golf and come upon a waterhole.

Rabby tees up and hits it into the middle of the pond.

He reaches into his bag to find that he is out of balls.

He then asks Angus for a ball and proceeds to hit it into the pond as well.

This goes on for 3 or 4 more times and when he asks Angus for yet another ball, Angus says, "Rabby, these balls cost me a pretty penny."

Rabby replies, "Och, Angus if ya cannee afford to play the game, ya should nee be out here."

Stan Odachowski


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