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Veterans Golf Club of Victoria

May 2019 Newsletter

Some thoughts on evolution


The thoughts of man


The balance of power


President Donald welcomed us to Cranbourne Golf Club and the stableford competition for the Grant Haselgrove Trophy. He asked all present to thank the club for the use of their facilities, and their generous donation of our main raffle prize. This was our first of the 4 winter tee-times in our schedule (8 am start). The weather was very pleasant, with a bit of a breeze around to challenge our golfers. The course was in good condition, although most of us found the bunker sand a bit on the hard side. As always at Cranbourne, the lunch and the clubhouse facilities were thoroughly enjoyed by the members. The President was delighted to be back on the golf course for the first time in over a year.  He thanked Phil Horsburgh for looking after him around the golf course, alongside the most enjoyable company of Bill Heron and Ron Wells.

Under the stewardship of Daryl Edwards and John Hiscock our raffle continues to be a successful source of club funds. These funds are used directly to keep our matchday costs competitive (green fees, lunch) so please continue to support our raffle.

Number of Players / Guests:

We had a good turnout today, with 62 players involved in the competition.  John Molloy was a late withdrawal for family reasons. There were no guests today.


There were 14 apologies this month:
Bernie Coyle, John Farrow, Rod Goode, David Heraud, Roger Huxstep, Alex Johnson, Karl Lindberg, Stan Odachowski, Ian Richards, Declan Stephenson, Jeff Stevens, Malcolm Turner, Kelvin Tyler, Neil Wilson.

Starters today:

Donald and the members thanked Ray Underwood, Trevor Bottomley and Keith Aldridge for doing a great job of getting our groups away.   Please take pride in your club and always ensure that you "keep up with the group in front of you". That is the number one priority we have in terms of efficient golf. ('ready golf')
As previously mentioned, we cannot proceed without volunteers to run these events every month, so please consider helping out as a starter, as it is a bit of fun and you will get to know so many more members of the club. Please help your Club.

Membership News:

Our next golfing event will be a stableford competition at Keysborough GC, on Monday 3rd June, 2019 at 8am for the David Vine trophy.  The booking sheet was circulated during our lunchtime. The online booking sheet is also available now.
President Donald also drew our attention to the upcoming Winter Classic event at Eagle Ridge GC on the Mornington Peninsula. This will be held in July in addition to our normal monthly event at Southern GC on Monday July 1st.  It is a 4 man Ambrose team event and will take place on Monday 15th July. The booking system for this event will be open from this week so if you wish to play this magnificent course, please register your interest via the booking system. More details on costs, rules of engagement etc. will be provided at our June event.

Our members 'photo gallery' is largely complete and is available on our website to help put 'names to faces' as we interact with our fellow members at the various events. If you have still to submit your photograph, and this includes our new members, please see either John Molloy or Laurie Comerford during our lunches at any of our events and they'll fix you up.

Our grateful thanks go to both John and Laurie for the magnificent work they have done in putting this together. Well done!.

CoM Business:

Here is a report summary of the business matters being addressed by your Committee of Management.

  1. Membership Numbers: ongoing discussions about options to actively recruit new members (male or female) to the VicVets. Membership target should be 120 (currently 86) with a monthly participation around 90 players. Feedback from clubs we currently use, suggests that this number would ensure optimal use of the club facilities including shotgun starts, competitive fees etc. Letter to go out from the President to all members inviting wives, partners and their lady friends as guests to our events at Keysborough and Southern.
  2. Golf Insurance cover for individual members who are not covered by Golflink. Various products in the marketplace have been reviewed with further work to be done. Jeff Stevens and Ray Desmond will progress this issue and update the CoM in July.
  3. Constitution and Governance.  Work ongoing.

Special Achievements:

In the past month or so, we have noted the following successes (in no particular order);

Congratulations to all our Vets winners.
Thanks go to all those who contributed the information.

Vets Web Site :

The website continues to improve. Members can contribute by suggesting further ideas. These are always welcome.

Question time :

A couple of detailed points were clarified, and then President Donald handed over to our Captain, Harold Hayes.

Ball Technology - coming in the forseeable future

It's happening, smart golf balls are being developed. With an inbuilt battery and chip, your ball will tell your smart phone, where you hit it, how hard, angle of the club head, how far it flew, how far it bounced, where it is now (no more lost balls, although some will be out of reach) and various other things like your score.

You can see more information about this at here



Overall winner:

John Killmister (31) with 42 points won the Grant Haselgrove Trophy

Our winners receive a $40 House of Golf voucher for their effort.

Grade winners

A Grade:  Keith Aldrich (16)  35 points

B Grade:  Peter Ross (25)  36 points

C Grade:  Tony Villani (28)  38 points

Nearest to the Pin:

3rd hole: Alan Baker  8th hole: Gary Morland

12th hole: Gary Morland  14th hole: Keith Aldrich

Captain joke image not yet available

More information to come

Balls down the line:

38 points  Tom Buzza (29)

36 points  Bruce Keenan (25)

35 points  Peter Garbellini (15)

34 points  Ian Hoskins (16)  David Vine (16)  Harold Hayes (20)  Christopher Tierney (28)  Ray Underwood (20)

NAGA Award:

Colin Wiseman

Naga image not yet available
There are ways and means.

Door prize Winners:


Trevor McGilton celebrated his good day at Cranbourne by winning the raffle allowing him and three of his mates to play again at Cranbourne with carts.

A bright colour makes it much easier to find.


Birthday boys for May 2019

Congratulations and best wishes to our members whose birthday falls in MayPicture

9th  Ray Underwood  80

12th  Ross Wilson  72

17th  Gary Morland  67

19th  Karl Lindberg  78

25th  Johannes Tetteroo  68

27th  Bill Cribbes  70

Aunt Karen

The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment to get their Parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end.

The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories.

There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved.

Young Ernie, who was rather shy had to be coaxed into telling his story.

"Ernie, do you have a story too?"


"Then please share your story with us?"


"Yes ma'am. My daddy told a story about my Aunt Karen, she was a pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit.


She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife.


She drank the whiskey on the way down in case the bottle broke, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops.

She shot 15 of them with the pistol until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands."

"Good Heavens," said the horrified teacher.Picture "What kind of moral did your daddy tell you to take from this horrible story?"

Don't go near Aunt Karen when she's been drinking!

Next event:

Keysborough for the David Vine Trophy starting at 8:00 on 03rd June

 Donald Barber ☎ 03 9775 7315 or 0402 247 892 Gary Finnis ☎ 03 9583 1224 Philip Horsburgh ☎ 0402 076 916 Roger Selwood ☎ 0417 323 308

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